ART: Crossing A Rickety Bridge

Crossing a rickety rope bridge which sways with every step; a bridge that has planks which are worn and may fall out. And you are taking your life in your hands when you cross it. Made in 2022.
Fluid art. Digital art edited in GnuIMP.

With this one, I had fun playing around with smudging in a straight line with a big brush. Interesting effect, that.
And then so much painstaking work to make all the 3D marbles. They don’t make themselves, you know!

Prints available here:

ART: Crosscurrent

Crosscurrent – the currents meet and clash. Made in 2019. Pure fluid art.
Made by dipping an acetate sheet into a puddle of paint and then pulling it up by the centre rather than by the edges. This doesn’t always work, but when it does, you get something fabulous like this.

Prints available here:

ART: Cinnamaldehyde Molecule

The Cinnamaldehyde molecule gives us the scent of Cinnamon. Made in 2022. Fluid art. Digital art edited in GIMP. Rather than doing a glassy or spherical shape for this molecule, I did a wood texture; I thought it was fitting, considering that cinnamon comes from the bark of a tree.

Prints available here: Also mugs and t-shirts.

ART: Caving

Light shining from above, hanging from a sturdy rope, he’s going caving. Made in 2020. Fluid art. Digital art edited in GIMP. Using public-domain/royalty-free images.

I like how this all works together, with the column of light shining onto the explorer. This is also one of my most popular designs, though it baffles me as to why this particular piece should be more popular than others. Is there a secret society of cavers who pass the news on to each other, “hey, check this out”?

Prints available here:

ART: Caffeine Molecule

Caffeine – your daily wake-up juice. Caffeine molecule being drenched in coffee and cream. Made in 2022. Fluid art. Digital art edited in GIMP. One of my early molecule paintings. Molecule paintings are fun. The molecule diagram isn’t actually clip-art, I created it using GraphViz.

Prints available here:

ART: Butterflies

Blue and gold beautiful butterflies. Made in 2020. Fluid art. Digital art edited in GIMP. Using public-domain/royalty-free images.

Back when I was chasing market share, I found that “Butterflies” was a highly-rated search term.
So I decided to do a series of pieces featuring butterflies. This was the first one.

Prints available here:

Blue and gold beautiful butterflies. Made in 2020. This original art was created using fluid art techniques, graphical editing, digital art techniques, and public-domain/royalty-free images. This art is a melding of the physical and the digital.

NEW ART: Bower

NEW ART at last! (And also new in my shop)

“Meet me in your bower, with flowers arching overhead and all around.” Made in 2023. Fluid art. Digital art edited in GIMP.

I made this last year, but didn’t post it anywhere because I was so caught up in setting up my Threadless shop, which proved to be a huge waste of time (apart from all the scripts I wrote for it, which are still valid). No Threadless shop, but I now have my Very Own Shop, not dependent on the whims of large companies. Go, look, buy!

The fluid art technique used for this was the “balloon smash” and it does make lovely flower-like motifs. The colours were highly manipulated in my graphics editor to better please me.

Prints available here:

Meet me in your bower, with flowers arching overhead and all around. Made in 2023. This original art was created using fluid art techniques, graphical editing, digital art techniques. This art is a melding of the physical and the digital.